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2022.10-至今,山东大学 公共卫生学院,副研究员

2019.01-2022.09,山东大学 卫生管理与政策研究中心,博士后



1.    癌症康复与卫生服务

2.    慢性病管理

3.    心理应激与健康

1. 基于素质-应激模型的乳腺癌患者抑郁纵向变化模式及异质性机制研究,国家自然科学基金,主持

2. 健康管理模式及推广策略研究,国家重点研发计划子任务,主持

3. 联爱工程“儿童白血病综合控制”项目实施评价研究,横向课题

4. 青海省儿科医生培养、留用现状及激励机制研究,横向课题

5. “全面两孩”政策下女性围产期心理健康状况的发展轨迹、预测模型及干预研究,国家社会科学基金

6. 半自助式正念训练对乳腺癌抑郁的干预效果及机制:基于情绪调节及NLRP3炎症小体-炎症因子-IDO通路,山东省自然科学基金

1. Shao D, Wang S, Sun J, Wang H, Sun Q. Association between long-term HbA1c variability and functional limitation in individuals aged over 50 years: a retrospective cohort study. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2022;13:847348. (SCI,中科院2/ JCR Q1)

2. Shao D, Zhang H, Cui N, Sun J, Li J, Cao F. The efficacy and mechanisms of a guided self-help intervention based on mindfulness in patients with breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial. Cancer. 2021;127(9):1377-1386. (SCI,中科院1Top/ JCR Q1)

3. Yang Q, Shao D, Li J, Yang C, Fan M, Cao F. Positive Association Between Serum Levels of High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Depression/Anxiety in Female, but Not Male, Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Biological Research for Nursing, 2020,22(2):178-187. (SCI, JCR Q2)

4. Qiu C, Shao D, Yao Y, Zhao Y, Zang XY. Self-management and psychological resilience moderate the relationships between symptoms and health-related quality of life among patients with hypertension in China. Quality of Life Research, 2019, 28,2585-2595. (SCI /SSCI, 中科院2)

5. Shao D, Zhang HH, Long ZT, et al. Effect of the interaction between oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (rs53576) and stressful life events on aggression in Chinese Han adolescents. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2018;96:35-41. (SCI, 中科院2)

6. Shao D, Gao W, Cao FL. Brief psychological intervention in patients with cervical cancer: A randomized controlled trial. Health Psychology. 2016;35(12):1383-1391. (SCI /SSCI, JCR Q1)

7. Shao D, Gao QL, Li J, et al. Test of the stress sensitization model in adolescents following the pipeline explosion. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2015; 62:178-186. (SCI /SSCI, JCR Q1)


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