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刘子钰,女,法学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,毕业于荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学卫生政策与管理学院。山东大学“青年学者未来计划”人选,山东大学国家治理研究院青年研究员。长期从事与脆弱人群健康权保护相关的研究,主要关注个体角色“赋能”与脆弱人群健康促进策略问题等近年来,主持国家留学基金委项目1项、山东省自然科学基金1项,以独立或通讯作者发表SSCI/SCI十余篇,撰写政策简报获教育部等部委采纳,转化政策。曾获中国卫生法学会中青年优秀论文奖、挪威卑尔根大学“Arvid Frihagen”冠名博士奖等。


2014-2019 荷兰Erasmus University Rotterdam 法学博士

2011-2014 吉林大学法学院 法学硕士

2007-2011 青岛大学法学院 法学学士


1. 卫生法学、公共卫生法学

2. 脆弱人群的健康管理

本科生:公共卫生法学、行政法学、全球健康、Social Medicine



1. 基于布鲁姆认知过程理论的公共卫生法教材优化及适用路径研究,山东大学教育教学改革项目,2023-2025,主持;

2. 公民健康责任的行为经济学分析及干预策略优化研究,山东省自然科学基金,2022-2024,主持;

3. 全球血友病患者健康教育现况综述,辉瑞,2023,主持。

1. Z Liu, J Feng, Y Fang, Y Cheng, and S Li. Barriers to prophylactic treatment among patients with haemophilia A in Shandong Province, China: a qualitative study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2023; 18(1):226.

2. X Shi, J Li, Y Xiong*, Z Liu*, J Zhan, and B Cai*, Rh Single-Atom Nanozymes for Efficient Ascorbic Acid Oxidation and Detection, Nanoscale, 2023; 15:6629-6635.

3. 刘子钰,孙强,周成超,《提升……心理韧性》,教育部采纳,20224月。

4. 刘子钰,周成超,试析重大新发突发传染病防控法律规范的衔接---以《生物安全法》为基点,医学与哲学 (A), 2022; 43(2): 53-58.

5. Z Liu, Regulating Private Medical Institutions: A Case Study of China, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 2021; 16(2):124-137.

6. Z Liu, Patient Engagement at the Household Level: A Feasible Way to Improve the Chinese Healthcare System Towards People-Centered Integrated Care, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2018; 27: 1-

7. Z Liu and Martin Buijsen, Legal Reflections on the Evolving Role of General Practitioner in China’s Primary Care: An Assessment of Regulatory Strategies, Primary Health Care Research & Development, 2018; 20 (e9):1-8.

8. 刘子钰,医疗卫生法立法模式研究---美国卫生法发展的启示,医学与哲学 (A), 2017; 38(7A): 43-46.

9. Z Liu, Cohering Health Law in China: Problem and New Development, Medicine and Law, 2018; 37(3):449-476.

10. Z Liu, M Buijsen, Reaffirming Individual Responsibility in Distributive Justice: A Case Study of the Chinese Healthcare System, International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2017; 5(4): 14-23.

11. Y Wei, Z Liu, ‘Accountability for Reasonableness’: An Assessment on the Decision-Making Process of the Chinese Healthcare System, International Journal of Social Systems Science, 2019; 11(4): 284-297.

1. 山东大学公共卫生学院青年教师教学比赛 一等奖

2. 山东大学“青年学者未来计划”培养人选

2. Young Scholar Award, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford

3. 中国卫生法学会中青年优秀论文奖

4. Erasmus Trustfonds, Stichting Erasmus Trustfonds

1. 中国罕见病立法与医疗保障多学科专家研讨会,2023,中国上海.


3. 中国法学会立法学年会,2021,中国河南.

4. ‘Patient Engagement at the Level of Household: A Feasible Way to Improve the Chinese Healthcare Delivery System towards Justice’, Oxford Global Health and Bioethics International Conference, July 2017, 英国牛津.

5. ‘Health Rights Regulations and Distribution of Health Care’, 6th Annual Conference of European Association of Health Law, September 2017, 挪威卑尔根.

6. ‘Individual Responsibility Matters in Healthcare’, ICSJ 2016: International Conference in Social Justice, January 2016, 英国伦敦.

7. ‘A Comparative Study of EU and China on Balancing Patients’ Rights and Sustainable Utilization of Healthcare Resources in Terms of Reimbursement’, Fifth European Conference on Health Law, October 2015, 捷克布拉格.

8. ‘Health law workshop’, the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School, 2018, 美国波士顿.

9. ‘Putting patients at the center of research: opportunities and challenges for ethical and regulatory oversight,’ the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School, 2018, 美国波士顿.

10. Symposium ‘When is it too expensive’, February 2017, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Symposium ‘EU-Sino Health Law’, November 2016, 荷兰格罗宁根.

11. The Expert Meeting of “Human Rights-Based Approaches and Domestic Legal Responses to NCDs: Lessons Learned”, September 2015, 荷兰海牙.

12. The “E-health: Grand Challenges and Legal Concerns” Conference, December 2014, 荷兰鹿特丹.




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