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2015.09-2020.09 吉林大学公共卫生学院获医学博士学位

2010.09-2014.07 潍坊医学院管理学院获管理学学士学位





[1] Gao T, Li M, Hu Y, Qin Z, Cao R, Mei S, Meng X. When adolescents face both Internet addiction and mood symptoms: A cross-sectional study of comorbidity and its predictors. Psychiatry Research, 2020, 284: 112795. (IF: 2.47)

[2] Gao T, Xiang YT, Zhang H, Gao J, Kong Y, Hu Y, Qin Z, Mei S. Internet addiction and quality of life in college students: A multiple mediation analysis.Iranian Journal of Public Health, 2019, 48(11): 2094-2096.(IF: 1.50)

[3] Gao T, Hu Y, Qin Z, Liu S, Mei S, Meng X. The role of school connectedness and maladaptive cognitions in the association between stress and Internet addiction: A serial mediation model. Perspective in Psychiatric Care, 2019, 55(4):728-733.(IF:1.42)

[4] Gao T, Xiang YT, Zhang H, Gao J, Kong Y, Hu Y, Mei S. Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behaviors among college students in northeastern China: a cross-sectional study. Psychiatric Quarterly, 2018, 89: 359-370.(IF: 1.45)

[5] Gao T, Meng X, Qin Z, Zhang H, Gao J, Kong Y, Hu Y, Mei S.Association between parental marital conflict and Internet addiction: A moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2018, 240: 27-32. (IF:4.23)

[6]Gao T, Li J, Zhang H, Gao J, Kong Y, Hu Y, Mei S.The influence of alexithymia on mobile phone addiction: The role of depression, anxiety and stress. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2018, 225: 761-766.(IF:4.23)

[7] Gao T, Xiang YT, Zhang H, Zhang Z, Mei S.Neuroticism and quality of life: Multiple mediating effects of smartphone addiction and depression. Psychiatry Research, 2017, 258: 457-461.(IF: 2.47)

[8] Gao T, Ding X, Chai J, Zhang Z, Zhang H, Kong Y, Mei S. The influence of resilience on mental health: The role of general well-being. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2017, 23(3).(IF: 1.54)

[1] 2017年博士研究生国家奖学金;

[2] 2018年博士研究生国家奖学金;

[3] 吉林大学三十二届“精英杯”学术成果大奖赛特等奖;


[5] 2017年度吉林大学研究生学术业绩奖学金;


[7] 吉林大学2017-2018学年一等研究生优秀奖学金;

[8] 吉林大学2017-2018学年优秀研究生荣誉称号;

[9] 吉林大学2018-2019学年二等研究生优秀奖学金。

[1] The Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Ottawa, Canada, May2019(Oral presentation).

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